As you can imagine we are at lockup, and as such our builder has sent us an invoice and I plan to pay it. The only thing is the brick work is not quite finished. It would appear our broken window is not fixed and the broken one is back in place. Maybe they realised the replacement that was there last Tuesday wasn’t double glazed as per our 5 star energy rating required!!!
Overall I am very happy and I only hope the progress continues at close to the same pace as the last two weeks when they return from holidays.
Below are pictures of our place and some of my handy work, in the cables I ran and wall plates I installed, top notch quality work that!!!!!

Also over the weekend we popped into our family friend’s house down the end of the street, the one’s who have the same house as ours, just a little bigger and it was built by the same builder. If our finish is up to their standard I will be very happy with the finished product.
They say there is no action until the 18th of Jan but I have heard the plasterers wish to complete our house by then so maybe in a couple of weeks we will have our place completely plastered!!
We also used the last couple of days to start purchasing those items that we need to fill the house and have a couple of months lead time to get, such as our bed. We went to the local bed shop and managed to pick a very sturdy hardwood bed and mattress that was divine, unfortunately we have to wait until the house is finished to enjoy it.
They say there is no action until the 18th of Jan but I have heard the plasterers wish to complete our house by then so maybe in a couple of weeks we will have our place completely plastered!!
We also used the last couple of days to start purchasing those items that we need to fill the house and have a couple of months lead time to get, such as our bed. We went to the local bed shop and managed to pick a very sturdy hardwood bed and mattress that was divine, unfortunately we have to wait until the house is finished to enjoy it.
We also picked up a new bed for our eldest as he will have to give his convertible bed to our youngest who will have to give up his cot to our soon to be born third child (did you follow that!!!)
I have now decided on the makeup of our home entertainment components and so the final piece of the puzzle is the entertainment cabinet. Some Google searching has identified some candidates and over the next couple of weekends I hope to nail that purchase down also.
Until then I trust everyone had a great Christmas and I wish you a fantastic New Year.
I have now decided on the makeup of our home entertainment components and so the final piece of the puzzle is the entertainment cabinet. Some Google searching has identified some candidates and over the next couple of weekends I hope to nail that purchase down also.
Until then I trust everyone had a great Christmas and I wish you a fantastic New Year.