Well our journey started some months ago when we finally decided our current residence just wasn't big enough for the 4 of us and the search began.
Time went by and we couldn't find what we were looking for and then a flash of inspiration popped into my head, why don't we build! In reality a house & land package came up in our search so we thought why not, trying to find an established place wasn't working.
We went to the display centre and we liked what we saw, we asked about land and again we liked what we saw. Then the questions started, how much? what is included? how much? what is not included? how much? and on & on it went until we worked out we can do this.
So away we went with the standard plans and began to plan our "McMansion" in the "Burbs".
Now in the MaxyB family we don't muck around as we first spied the display home and available land on the June long weekend 2009 and in just under 2 months we will settle on the land and would have settled on the design. With luck construction will start mid to late August and the 220 day countdown will begin.
So we settled on a single story brick veneer home on a modest block out in the Outer Eastern burbs of Melbourne. The current known make up of the House are as follows:
- Bricks will be Boral Victorian Blue with white mortar
- Tiled Roof, haven't picked the colour as yet
- 4 bedrooms, lounge, family & rumpus
- 2 car garage
- Decent backyard for the kids
- Polished floorboards
- Ducted heating & refrigerated a/c (through the same ducts)
- Downlights in the living areas
- We think we have nailed the colour scheme inside but are yet to confirm tiles and everything else

This weekend we are going to pick up sample of the bricks and go and choose a roof, gutters and garage door and maybe some windows. Or should I say get samples and cards of them as I am sure we will be overwhelmed by the variety and then be hemmed in by what is actually in the standard range.
Well that's the end of my first post on my very first blog.