Now this saying usually is used to describe certain events and not usually used in the literal sense, but not this time!!
As all Melbournians will know its been pissing down of late and over the last few weeks we have had more rain than we have had the 9 months previous, which will lead me to using another saying “Murphy’s Law”
You see, I always joked that once we signed our building contract in July and that we wanted the house to be finished as early as possible that the bloody drought would break and slow things down, and sure enough it has.
We were supposed to get a slab last Tuesday, then it was last Friday, well we have no slab but we are very close. I am sure if the rain stops for just a few days we will have the concrete pour and the foundations of our home in place but its just needs to stop raining. I trust all you farmers & keen gardeners out there will understand, well maybe not.
If the rain does continue I will start driving around signing building contracts just to break droughts all over the country, bah who is that elnino person anyway!
I will calm down a little and rejoice that we are still a month ahead of schedule and from the pictures below you will notice we have the form work and steel laid all ready for the pour, so by next weekend I am sure we will have a slab and maybe the first signs of a frame, well maybe just the slab.
surely monday, 27d or something like that!!!
ReplyDeleteYou would think that but there was a lot of water about so I am not building it up and I will cam my CM on Tuesday and see what he says, but heres hoping
ReplyDeleteD says doesn't matter about the water - better if it is a bit wet to pour the concrete. Fingers crossed for you this week... M&D
ReplyDeleteCool, if we dont need to worry it should be today or tomorrow. We say abnother block that was boxed up on Friday getting its slab poured on Sat, so hopefully we are the next cabs of the rank. I will call our CM tomorrow and check in