We have had more progress in that the electrical fit off is almost complete and the showers are in. We also got our quote to move our crossover.
Now thanks to the council stipulating certain concrete thicknesses etc and the builder whacking on his 20% margin our quote came to an additional $5,150.
To say I was shocked was an understatement and the builder & I spent half an hour debating the “fairness” in the 20% margin when he stuffed up the original driveway allowance and they have had other crossover issues in the estate and our street.
In the end he stuck to his contract and for the sake of having one person on the hook for the whole house and to have a functional driveway and handover date of the 30th of April I have accepted the hit and will somehow come up with the additional $3000 after I had budgeted $2000.
I guess its swings & roundabouts because now I want that 10 cent sized dent in the toilet window fixed. I don’t care that he may have to replace the whole window frame and remove bricks to get it out, my contract states a house with no defects and that’s what I expect. I have also been mentioning it for the last few months so they cant say I haven’t warned them. They also have to patch the ceiling so I will be very keen to ensure the paint work is spot on.
It could be a very interesting month and I just hope that handover is not affected.
Below are some of the latest pics
We are so close now I am very excited but I also know the fun with the builder on the quality of the finish may draw things out. I hope not but after being reminded about the terms in my contract with the cross over I have every intention of them honouring their part of the contract, lets hope it all doesn’t turn pear shaped right at the end.
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