Handover went very smoothly and the only things to be done were very minor and I am only waiting on the outside windows to be cleaned as the Construction Manager wasn’t happy.
I must say I have been very happy with my builder and in particular my Construction Manager Adrian. His standards are very high and considering some of the horror stories I have heard my builder has been a dream to deal with.
My planning worked a treat and everything I ordered arrived on time or early, well nearly everything, I still don’t have foxtel, it would appear that Telstra needed longer than the 2 months I gave them. It has taken numerous phone calls, an official complaint, which they have not called me back on and in the end I called foxtel to get the install done and I will transfer later on.
Fair dinkum Telstra are an ordinary mob when it comes to customer service and if I could get adsl and other providers had their network coverage I would not be a customer of theirs in a pink fit. They think they are losing customers because of people moving away from fixed lines, I can tell you it’s because their service is so far down the sewer I am not sure they could ever improve. If you own shares dump them because the service I have received means they are on a downward spiral to oblivion.
I would also like to acknowledge all our family & friends that helped us over the weekend, without their support and hours of toil we could have hoped to un pack as many boxes, build a fence & a gate and we certainly would have gone nuts with our kids snapping at our heels while running around.
Also a big thankyou to MrsB's parents who put up with all 5 of us for 5 and a bit months, thier support was amazing and we couldn't have done this without them.
The kids love their new home and it was like Christmas with all thier old toys coming out of storage so apart from being skint and being left with a mud pile and no dishwasher for months we couldn’t be happier.
Below are some photos taken early on Saturday morning before the removalists arrived.
Photo looking towards the front door with the bi-fold doors open
Main bedroom
Transition from carpet to bamboo boards
I may just have a break from posting but many thanks to you all for taking an interest and passing on your good wishes
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