Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PCI & 10 Days to Go

Well what a week we have had. At one stage it looked like we were not going to make it & I seriously considered delaying our move in date & I still may do that except now I am a lot more comfortable and confident that it will all work out.

We had our Project Completion Inspection (PCI) today and while it might have been a little early we needed to do it now so I could get the ball rolling with the bank.

I must say I am very pleased and most of my issues are very minor, a touch of paint here a fly screen required there. There are some big ticket items still missing like a driveway, hot water service, Air/Con vent, security doors, fly wire screens, insulation, oven, gas hot plates, range hood & all up there are 37 items.

For the big ticket stuff I have a schedule of them being completed and the driveway guy started while I was there so once again I am confident we can make it and my Construction Manager (CM) has told me to come around again next Tuesday to see the finished result. I suspect Wednesday and since I will only be able to make it first thing in the morning I will suggest Wednesday the 28th.

All I need is the Certificate of Occupancy to start the ball rolling with the bank. I should get that tomorrow and if I do it should be all systems go for a 10am handover on Friday April 30 where after 328 days we will be in our new home and once again I will be king of my little castle, woo hoo!!!

Below are some pictures of the house taken over the last week.

10 Days to Go, cant wait!

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