Monday, March 15, 2010

Let Me Paint A Picture

Well it took Michelangelo about 4 years to paint the Sistine Chapel but in just over a week our place will be painted in all its "hogs bristle" glory.

We went out on Saturday and the painters were almost finished and should be done tomorrow. I am told the tiling will be done this week and the sparkie might just start the electrical fit off also, I won’t hold my breath on that one.

So overall we are getting there and while the builder said an Easter handover is not going to happen he is very confident that he will make the April 30 contract end date. I say so he bloody should, there is bugger all left to do & if he takes another 7 weeks I think I will have a tantrum, I know how they work I have a 2 & half yo for inspiration.

Anyway there are a couple of pictures below our the painters work site to give you an idea of how its looking.

On a side note I didn’t see my neighbours car in my garage, so maybe he has stopped doing it, I told my builder anyway so in the end I will demand a perfect garage and if he has an issue he can take it up with my neighbour.

We will be heading out again on Saturday for our second measure & quote on blinds, I hope it’s a bit cheaper than the first one!!


  1. looks like the storm before the calm!! progress is progress tho!

  2. Yes progress is progress. I was talking to a mate who used to build houses and he explained how my builder could take another 6.5 weeks and handover on the 30th. His explanation had far too much common sense & logic for my liking and depending on what I find this weekend I am close to conceeding that I just have to wait and I wont get an early handover :-(
