Monday, September 28, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away.......

I spoke with our construction manager (CM) today and he sounded like a good bloke. We plan to catch up in the next few weeks as we both like to put a face to a name. By the sounds of his working hours I will be getting up early to see him as I would have to take an afternoon off work to catch-up with him, something I cant do all the time.

I am starting to want the rain to stop as he said if it wasn’t for the rain he would have had the plumbing dug in ready for the concreters to do their thing. I guess we need the rain pretty badly here in Melbourne so maybe I should take credit for breaking the drought when I signed my building contract.

Anyway, it would appear that if we get some dry days I should have a slab in the next couple of weeks, which will be fantastic prpgress, lets just see what we find on our visit this weekend.


  1. i know what you mean by Rain Rain Go Away - it's bitter sweet when your building!

  2. Yes, I want the drought to break, just not during my build :-). The heavens can open up when I want to lay turf and have my water tank fill up, but maybe thats me being selfish!!!

  3. it was like when the phone people we had organised to put our trenches in for the phone lines told me they had arranged with our CS to hold off progress until they'd done what they had to - as if I would be happy about it - I thought, buggar that, if you had your shyte together, then you wouldn't have to hold anything up dopey!!! but of course, I smiled and said "that's great isn't it!" - yes, I'm gutless...

    Checking colour of door out tomorrow!
    thanks luv
